With all of the access and availability to cheap video equipment and video programs such as iMovie, FinalCut, and online video editing programs such as Animoto, many companies are attempting to make and produce their own video content. While there are a lot of inexpensive options out there, using those options does not guarantee a good or even usable final product. Many of these video editing programs have steep learning curves and are not as easy to use as they seem.
Even though these programs allow for easy access, it could take many hours to get them to work properly and even more hours spent learning how to use them. Even after learning how to use one of these programs, it takes more time still to become proficient with them and to make a good end product that will showcase your brand and get your company’s message across. And using these various video editors and tools does not necessarily make your video look professional. Using the most professional equipment and programs can still result in an amateur video if you aren’t sure how to use them or have very little experience.
Any mistakes made during the video editing and making process could take additional hours to make the necessary fixes to. Making and producing a good video takes time and dedication, much more than a few hours of splicing clips made on a handmade camera. It’s the same principle that is used when learning an instrument. You can’t just buy the most expensive guitar or piano and expect to make a great piece of music in a few hours, especially if you don’t know how to play those instruments! The same principle applies to making videos. It is an artistic process.

It takes a tremendous amount of effort and work to make a good, broadcast-worthy video. And a lot of the times the quality of a video isn’t even directly related to the equipment, but the skills and talent of the person using that equipment. And if that individual is not properly trained or doesn’t have the experience necessary, the end result won’t be as great as it should be. And although many companies do this to save money, the fact is they’re paying someone to do all of the work and more than likely be not as efficient as an independent producer like TalkingTree Creative. A single person can take up a lot of your time and end up costing you more than you initially planned.
If you have a video campaign that you need done, let TalkingTree Creative handle it for you! TalkingTree Creative communicates client stories in captivating, creative ways using video image pieces. We match our storytelling skills with high production values so the finished piece is clean, professional, and exciting. Your message, your story, your brand – every concept is experienced by your audience. And they’ll never forget what they saw and heard – and learned.
TalkingTree Creative initially began as an entertainment company over 25 years ago. Now we produce videos and live events as well, bringing all our experience in entertaining audiences to each production whether it’s on screen, on stage, or online. We communicate client stories in captivating, creative ways. We match our storytelling skills with high production values so the finished piece is clean, professional, and exciting. We make sure that the feelings and experience that someone takes away from the media presented is a positive one.
Let TalkingTree Creative handle your media campaign and let us provide you with the entertainment factor. Contact us today to get started.
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