A click seems like a pretty simple thing. You probably make hundreds, if not thousands of clicks everyday. It seems like we’re practically giving clicks away at the rate we make them. However, getting just a single click from your video on YouTube to your website isn’t as easy as our fast-clicking ways would make it seem. Especially when related videos are sitting right there on the side just waiting for a click. Fortunately, there are a few methods you can use to get that twitch of a finger to turn into a hit on your website.
Teaser Videos
Teaser videos are a simple, easy way to get clicks. Though the name suggests a video that is incomplete or leaves the viewer with unanswered questions, teaser videos are actually complete, fully-formed videos that provide the viewer with information that is of interest to them. For example, you might make a video about a great tip for organizing your desk. The video shows the tip, but also lets the viewer know that there are more tips waiting at your website. If the content is good, an interested viewer will click over to your site to find more.
YouTube Annotations
Are you familiar with the text that hovers over videos on YouTube? These are called annotations, and they’re great ways to direct traffic to your website from a video. You can write whatever you want in an annotation, and they can also appear throughout the video. Using annotations, you can display a brief call to action throughout the video along with a link to the website. This way, not only is the link to your site easily accessible, viewers don’t have to wait for the call to action at the end of the video. YouTube annotations make it easy for your viewers to find and click their way to your website.
TalkingTree Creative initially began as a music production company over 25 years ago. Now we produce everything from original videos to live events and entertainment. We communicate client stories in captivating, creative ways. We match our storytelling skills with high production values so the finished piece is clean, professional, and exciting. We make sure that the feelings and experience that attendees take away from the media is a positive one.
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